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Rank: 24 Faucetbravo - BTC and DOGE nonstop!


Faucetbravo - BTC and DOGE nonstop!

Added by: Raymond
Member Since: 2023-02-06 21:37:56
Short description: High payouts, no timer btc faucet with, no timer doge faucet, no registration required and three contests running every week!
Long Description:
Language: English English
Category: Faucet
Processors: FP
Currency: BTC, DOGE
Min payout: lower than 0.001$


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Monthly Votes: 24 All Votes: 4,318 Monthly Out: 50 All Out: 1,427
Unique PV: 344,630 Pageviews: 1,444,253 Monthly Pageviews: 73,380

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Faucetbravo - BTC and DOGE nonstop! Stats

Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 339.8 2,614.1 1.0 1.0 2.4 2.4
Today 112 463 0 0 0 0
Yesterday 341 2,366 3 3 2 2
July 25 367 2,583 1 1 9 9
July 24 478 2,708 1 1 2 2
July 23 365 3,833 2 2 2 2
July 22 339 3,284 0 0 0 0
July 21 350 2,925 0 0 2 2
July 20 383 2,757 1 1 2 2
July 19 328 2,416 1 1 1 1
July 18 335 2,806 1 1 4 4
Highest 1,367 5,613 554 554 25 34
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 2,720.8 19,691.0 6.3 7.6 11.0 12.4
This Week 1,663 11,953 7 7 15 15
Last Week 2,499 20,053 4 4 10 10
Week 28 2,599 19,764 4 4 13 13
Week 27 2,911 21,610 9 9 12 13
Week 26 2,569 17,478 5 8 6 7
Week 25 2,819 19,095 3 3 6 6
Week 24 2,808 22,505 5 7 8 8
Week 23 2,923 22,178 11 14 16 17
Week 22 3,460 23,229 10 12 15 25
Week 21 2,957 19,045 5 8 9 10
Highest 8,361 31,842 1,163 1,164 59 76
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 16,591.3 93,957.1 359.2 367.3 69.6 81.8
This Month 9,672 73,380 24 24 50 51
Last Month 12,049 87,841 26 34 42 45
May 24 14,030 101,265 45 65 52 75
April 24 15,054 100,691 45 51 67 80
March 24 21,237 120,440 50 56 44 50
February 24 15,667 106,994 51 59 33 35
January 24 16,176 117,361 69 83 98 127
December 23 13,402 92,266 1,104 1,115 118 145
November 23 16,933 69,690 2,151 2,158 96 107
October 23 31,693 69,643 27 28 96 103
Highest 31,923 120,440 2,151 2,158 120 145
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 344,630 1,444,253 4,318 4,437 1,427 1,606

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