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Added by: coinfola
Member Since: 2023-06-26 16:45:54
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Coinfola Stats

Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 0.0 0.0 12.4 13.4 2.2 2.5
Today 0 0 1 1 0 0
Yesterday 0 0 15 15 3 4
July 25 0 0 6 7 3 4
July 24 0 0 14 15 3 3
July 23 0 0 15 17 0 0
July 22 0 0 16 18 2 3
July 21 0 0 15 17 2 2
July 20 0 0 20 22 5 5
July 19 0 0 9 9 1 1
July 18 0 0 13 13 3 3
Highest 1 4 626 638 68 84
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 0.0 0.0 92.9 100.5 13.3 14.5
This Week 0 0 51 55 9 11
Last Week 0 0 93 101 15 16
Week 28 0 0 67 70 17 18
Week 27 0 0 125 136 14 15
Week 26 0 0 90 96 17 17
Week 25 0 0 97 112 7 7
Week 24 0 0 71 79 10 10
Week 23 0 0 90 96 16 18
Week 22 0 0 98 105 13 17
Week 21 0 0 147 155 15 16
Highest 1 4 1,375 1,426 156 237
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 0.0 0.0 1,222.9 1,346.7 136.0 167.2
This Month 0 0 336 362 55 60
Last Month 0 0 377 416 56 62
May 24 0 0 704 760 68 77
April 24 0 0 776 848 69 72
March 24 0 0 1,126 1,239 81 87
February 24 0 0 1,179 1,314 80 88
January 24 0 0 2,225 2,592 228 272
December 23 0 0 2,503 2,785 354 493
November 23 0 0 3,003 3,151 350 442
October 23 0 0 0 0 19 19
Highest 1 4 3,003 3,151 354 493
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 1 4 12,232 13,471 1,418 1,730

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